Post Your Content On Social MediaHave you ever wondered if your content is actually being seen? Is there a specific time of day that people visit social media?

If you have ever wondered about any of these questions, look no further because there are in fact best and worst times of the day to post on social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more according to

Facebook: The best time to post on Facebook on weekdays is between the hours of 6am to 8am and 2pm to 5pm. These times were seen as ideal for posting on Facebook because many people check their Facebook page early in the mornings before or as they are going to work and after they come back from work.

The worst times to post on Facebook are weekends from 10pm-4am. This is most likely caused by the fact that on weekends, people are usually out.

Twitter: The optimal post time is on weekends from 1pm to 3pm. To get optimal results on your tweet make sure to use as relevant hashtags to gain more reach and increase your chance of being retweeted.

Worst times are considered anywhere from 8pm to 8am.

LinkedIn: Best time to reach your audience is anywhere from 7:30am to 8:30am and 5pm to 6pm. These are the best times to post your content on LinkedIn since people often check LinkedIn Content before or after work.

Worst times are Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm since these are the times people are at work.

Blogs: At 11am on Monday’s, Friday’s and Saturday’s is considered the prime time to post content. Blogs are more engaging when they are consistently and regularly posted and updated. To be effective during these times, it is best to pick a day of the week and post on that day continuously every week.

Do you post during these times? If so, do you agree with these optimal posting times?

Based on the article entitled: A Guide to the Best Times to Post on Social Media (InfoGraphic) by Kristin Piombino