Content creation and content marketing has and will be around for many years. You see it every day, yet many of us just don’t recognize it as content marketing or realize that it is also a form of educating prospects before they buy from us. Think of newspapers, blogs, online articles, ebooks, reports, podcasts, infographics, and how-to videos on YouTube. They are all different types of content marketing.
Whether you realize it or not, sales only take place after you have educated or exchanged information with your prospect. An educated prospect is also more eager to buy from you especially if it was you or your company that has educated them.
It normally takes 7 or 8 marketing messages before your prospects turn into paying customers and content marketing is solid strategy to connect with your prospect multiple times. For example, you could send an article, a tip or a highlight from your blog to your prospect every week with information that they may like. This strategy also increases your recognition as an expert in the eyes of your prospects. Most people like to receive information that can help them. No one wants to be sold.
The easiest form of content marketing is to have a blog on your site and to post as often as you can with tips, strategies and how-to advice that can help your prospects. You can also comment on other blogs and forums that could lure potential customers to your website or blog. This strategy is also great for your search engine marketing as it can add backlinks (one-way links) to your website.
Marketing an article or video out on the internet in all the right places can also help you to increase your expert profile and also attract new customers to your business. There are many article directories and blogs where you can submit guest posts. There are also fifty or so video directories such as
By publishing your articles, videos or other forms of content on other sites also adds to your expert recognition. Showing a prospect that you are published on a third party website carries much more weight than posting an article on your own site.
Our expertise is helping you to create and market your articles, e-books, reports and videos.
The Leads Hub can help you with…
Auto Responder set up and management
Article Writing
Blog Writing
Website Content
Sales and Landing Page Copy
Article Marketing
Video Creation
Video Marketing
Newsletter creation and design
E-book creation and design
Content Marketing
Call us today to find out how we can help you attract new business through content marketing. Call (647) 405-6711
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