Having a hard time trying to figure out your next blog post? Or maybe you’re just pressed for time this week and cannot spend the hours you normally do to create your content pieces.
Your content does not always need to be lengthy or complicated. It can be simple and short yet still effective.
Here are 5 Easy Alternatives for Creating Engaging and Creative content in a Flash!
- Answer a question in a video: Inexpensive and easy to create, videos provide a great way to engage your audience. Whether on a camera, smartphone or laptop, videos can easily be uploaded to any platform and shared. One way of using videos as content pieces is to record yourself or an employee of the company answering a question about your product or service that customers have frequently asked about. Make the video as simple and genuine as possible to better connect with your followers.
- Share an album of photos: Pictures are worth a thousand words! Photos can be a creative way to tell a particular story your brand wants to share with your followers. It can be as simple as having a behind the scenes look into the company or even insider information on the next product or service. This type of technique allows your brand to effectively create a visual blog post around a particular theme.
- Reflect on a quote: People love quotes and sharing them with their followers. By reflecting on a quote, you let your followers and consumers get a glimpse into the personal side of your brand. It is a great way to share with your followers what you value, believe and like as a brand. You can share a photo of the quote with a meaningful reflection or even make a video expressing your thoughts and feelings about the quote.
- Round up your favorite links: Every week, compile the top 5, 10 or 20 links that have garnered the most engagement and interaction on your social media channels. Then, post this list as the top weekly hits. When you do this, you take all the content that got the most interest and create further hits.
- Update a Past Post: Take something old and make it new again. This is a great way to repurpose content by using an earlier post but adding a new twist to it. This allows you to not only provide information, but valuable insights that you may have not noticed before. Essentially, you make the old look new again with a fresh perspective and additional information.
Have any other ideas for creating unique content? Comment below! We would love to hear from you.
Based on the article entitled: “5 Content Pieces You Can Create in 5 Minutes or Less” by Eric Siu from http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/233120