Do you consider yourself a social media savvy person? Did you know that brands have one hour to respond to someone on Twitter or that Friday’s are funny on Pinterest?
Social media across all platforms is evolving at a rapid pace and it can be tough to keep up.
Below are 10 surprising facts you may not know about social media, originally presented by Mainstreethost.
#1: Your biggest advocates have the fewest followers
Less than 1/10 mentions will come from “power users.” Also, 6% of mentions were also deemed overtly negative
#2: Twitter has six distinct communication networks
1. Polarized Crowds
2. Tight Crowds
3. Brand Clusters
4. Community Clusters
5. Broadcast Networks
6. Support Networks
#3: Marketers say written content trumps visuals
58% original written content versus 19% original visual assets or 12% original videos
#4: You have less than 1 hour to respond on Twitter
53% of users who tweet a brand expect a response within the hour
#5: Late night is the best time for retweets
#6: Fridays are Facebook’s best day for engagement
#7: Photos drive engagement on Facebook pages
As of March 2014 87% of the most shared posts worldwide was photos!
#8: Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter drive the most traffic!
#9: Aim for 28, 118, or 365 interactions per post (depending on your total fans)
#10: There’s a best day for everything on Pinterest
Sunday: Food and crafts
Monday: Fitness
Tuesday: Technology
Wednesday: Quotes
Thursday: Fashion
Friday: Humor
Saturday: Travel
Did any of these facts surprise you? Or do you have any surprising social media facts to share? Please comment below.
Disclaimer: Based on an article by Kevin Allen at