While the value of blogging may have changed depending on your point of view, they are still very important to any online presence and will definitely help to increase your search engine rankings. Blogs are powerful tools that not only help connect businesses and personalities to their audience directly and also allow them to speak about their expertise and interests. So if you want to increase your blog’s exposure and get more people reading your articles, here are a few things that you should try.
Tip #1: Create Incentives for your Readers
If you want to increase the number of people reading your blog, it’s good to think about creating a reward or incentive for them to do so. While not many bloggers can keep giving away prizes, there a few ways to initiate this strategy. One thing you can do is make use of an app called Social Locker. What is does is basically hide a portion of your blog article and in order for your readers to see that part, all they need to do is share the article on their Facebook, Twitter or Google Plus. A pretty easy task and they get to share an article that they are interested in to begin with.
Tip #2: There are many different ways to Share an article
We’ve all seen the share buttons for the different social networks. But what if your readers want to use a quote from your article because it’s an interesting part of your article? There are blog apps like SumoMe that whenever your reader highlights a portion of your blog article, a box appears containing that highlighted line with many different sharing options. This is simple app that can make sharing so much more convenient for your audience.
Tip #3: Web Syndication is a Great way to spread awareness for you blog
While your blog is your personal space on the internet, there’s just too many clutter and traffic for you to get noticed without any help. That’s where blog and web syndication is important. You can make use of applications like Dlvr.it to make sure that your blog post is seen across different websites and feeds.
Tip #4: Old Articles are still very useful in attracting new readers!
Even though something you’ve written in the past has been buried by newer articles, they are still very useful and in fact may help you get more readers to your blog. Skim through your archives or the admin section of your blog to check which ones of your old posts garnered the most views. It could be a good idea to create new social bookmarks for this article as long as they are still relevant and useful to your audience. Remember, a good article can be valuable for a very long time.
There are definitely a lot more ways for you to drum up your blog readership. These tips will help you get an idea of all the possible ways you can interact with your audience and get them to help you build awareness. Finally, make sure to track your progress using your blog’s analytics to see if any of your efforts are producing favorable results.