Are you using hashtags in your social media posts?
Selecting hashtags is an art and a science that involves a process and not just randomness. Hashtags are extremely important if you’re on social media because it allows you to grab and capture attention while potentially starting a trend.
There are 5 easy tips you need to follow to make your hashtag a hit rather than a miss.
- Be informative, not abstract: Make your hashtags clearwith 2 to 4 words maximum. Some hashtag winners on Twitter included the #IceBucketChallenge and #BringBackOurGirls. These hashtags were successful because they got straight to the point and did not require people to search google for the meaning.
- Proofread carefully. Add capital letters: If your hashtag is not spelled correctly or way too long, there is a high chance it will be misread or misinterpreted. To avoid such an issue, capitalize the first letter in each word so the reader can recognize where the words start.
- Incorporate hashtags on multiple channels: When you have a popular hashtag, don’t just use it on Twitter. Incorporate the hashtag on all your social media and communication channels to connect with consumers. Before incorporating your hashtag on all your communication channels, test it out to see how readers and followers are reacting to determine its success or failure. As a business, your key rule is to use a hashtag that resonates, provides meaning and gets the consumer to respond.
- Don’t overdo it: Don’t add too many hashtags. Your post should have no more than 3 hashtags in a post.
- Listen carefully and pick an opening: Engage and interact in a variety of conversations and look for openings to enter those conversations. Research popular hashtags in social media to get on trends. Look at what your competitors are doing and what hashtags they are using to see how consumers are responding or reacting.
Hashtags are important because it allows you as an individual and a business to interact with and engage with a wider audience than you normally would not reach with simply posting. By using hashtags, you create links that people from all over the world can see and click on.
It can take some time for a hashtag to gain results so use it consistently and encourage favoriting and retweeting by rewarding your followers when they engage in conversation using that hashtag.
Based on the article entitled: #HashtagFails? 5 Tips That Will Change Your Fortune by Dane Atkinson