Quick and Easy Tips to Writing a Blog PostSome businesses today have come to the realization that blogging can save their company money on hiring journalists, bloggers and influencers. Businesses can simply create their own content and disseminate it through search engines and social media channels. Using a blog to tell a story can be an effective way to control your content in an inexpensive way and to generate coverage in third-party publications.

The following are some ideas to keep blog writing short and sweet.

  1. Create a Content Calendar

    Plan what you want to talk about in a calendar. Some days you will find you have lots of ideas but don’t attempt to include all of them in one post. Plan accordingly and stay organized. Get advice from trusted peers and customers and find out what they like reading about.

  2. Categorize your content

    Categorize your postings so when you are writing you are writing for a purpose. Decide whether you are blogging for a product release, or even a ‘how-to’ article. Make every blog count, and don’t just blog for the sake of blogging.

  3. Start crafting a post a week in advance

    A week before your blog goes live, start thinking about how you may start it and how you may choose to end it. Brainstorm some subheadings so the reader can get a good idea of the structure of your content. Solidifying your structure will make the writing progress much smoother.

  4. Think about links and mention

    It is important to link relevant content that your reader may find helpful. These links will help with search engine optimization and will leave the readers with no need for further reading. Some individuals have Google or other social-media setup to notify them if their name has been mentioned, this is why mentioning individuals by name is an effective way to gain exposure.

  5. Set aside time to write

    Pick a time to set aside distractions and focus on writing. Since you have already come up with topics and structure, this part should come easy. 700 words should take about 30 minutes to write into a solid first draft, providing there are no interruptions.

By using references from research you have done previously, and work on your blog piece by piece, little by little, writing a blog post will be easier than you think.

Disclaimer: Based on Original Article: How to Write a Blog Post in Just 30 Minutes

@ http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/240372